Sunday, November 24, 2019


這星期忽然又迷惘起來,每天逼自己自律地生活,站了整天機械式地工作一天拖著漲痛的小腿回家時不禁想,我在做甚麼呢?英文一定要好嗎?為甚麼要一個人面對這些柴米油鹽呢?黏在家做媽寶不好嗎?現在做的真的是我想要的嗎?我將來想開間coffee shop嗎?花時間做這些對將來又有用嗎?是真心想做這件事,但只是因為這些看來很光鮮亮麗?如果天生就喜好庸俗,逼自己變得所謂的不平凡有意思嗎?

Sunday, November 3, 2019


「我想去working holiday。」應該每一位朋友都聽過我這樣說,從中學說到三十歲,說到朋友們大概都以為只是隨口噏罷了,然後終於在申請大限前出發。以前常猜想離開時自己會是甚麼處境,有沒有甚麼人或事讓我想留下,諸如更理想的工作崗位、值得的人;我會極興奮蹦蹦跳的進閘,還是嚎啕大哭三步一回頭依依不捨?唉拍戲咩邊有咁dramatic呀。

Monday, October 28, 2019

Exceptions are full around but you may just a rule.

Boys always know how to hurt us. Find out what you care about, use some gratis words to make a promise, raise your expectations. Make you feel you are unique and fall into a big big ff and then break all of that.

We might hear these advises before - Do not read too much into it/ Do not trust guys so early when they haven't really done that / Do not trust more than 10% of what they say. But why girls always don't know to protect themselves? It's not because we are so stupid but we want to trust. We only want to believe that there are sincerely or promises are really in this world.